"No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain point"
Michel de Montaigne (1533-92), French writer and philosopher
A clear strategy is essential to create and take advantage of market opportunities as well as to differentiate the own company successfully from its competitors. The strategy should be understood and supported by the whole workforce. Any strategy must be closely linked with the operative business in order to provide a strong frame for day-to-day decisions.
This is already a challenge in stable times. But an ever more turbulent market environment, characterized by steady and often unpredictable change, makes the continuous monitoring, updating and adaptation of the strategic direction indispensable. Immediate consideration of new market information, quick learning – in many cases through trial and error processes – and regular feedback loops all help to keep your business on the forefront.
I guide you and your teams through a pragmatic strategy process, based on workshops and intermittent preparatory and review work. Supported by an in-depth analysis of the external business environment and your internal conditions, the business teams will work up a crisp and action-oriented strategy with clear objectives and milestones. The whole process is structured, but flexible enough to be adapted to address your specific needs.
But that’s not where it stops: Of course, I will support you throughout the implementation phase.
The Strategy Circle

Linking strategic and operative management
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